Harvey’s show began airing in 2012. Initially named “The Steve Harvey Show,” the show was tweaked to include more celebrities, Harvey’s signature humor and renamed “Steve” two years ago. It was ranked fifth among syndicated daytime talk shows.
The cancellation also came after Harvey created an uproar on social media earlier this month after saying “Rich people don’t sleep eight hours a day.”
The final episode of “Steve” was taped earlier this month and will air in June as the show’s finale. It will be replaced by “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” but have reruns air through September, reported The Atlanta Voice.
Despite the changes, Harvey has a great attitude about it. In a video on Instagram, he told a fan “Sometimes man we don’t jump. Sometimes we get pushed. See God is really fair. When He wants you to do something else and you won’t do it He’ll bring about a set of circumstances that’ll cause you … So now, there’s obviously something that you should be doing instead of what you was doing.”
In the video’s caption he wrote, “Watch me talk to myself,” denoting he was personally vested in the conversation. In another video posted by his wife Marjorie, Harvey also spoke about his show getting cancelled.