Karan Ashley Wiki, Bio, Married, Husband or Boyfriend


Karan Ashley is an American actress who has also briefly worked as a model. She was also in a musical group; an all girls’ band named “K.R.U.S.H” and was also known for her contribution in making the soundtrack that was later used by “Mo’ Money”. She is a multi talented woman, who also has made some writing work and has contributed in the script of “Unto Thee”, a short movie in 1997. Having herself appeared in about a dozen different shows, Ashley has been known as a confident and hard working actress. In her career of 20 years, she has earned a lot of fame, reputation and fan following.

Ashley was born as Karan Ashley Jackson, on the 28th of September, 1975 in Odessa, Texas, U.S.A. She was born in a family that had mixed ethnicity but as she was born in the U.S, so she is an American by nationality. Her father Dermian Jackson was a Cuban by nationality who moved the U.S.A and met and married Felicia Marquez Sanchez, who was a Mexican. Born and raised as an only child in a middle class family, things were not so hard for her in life. She wanted to become an actress from an early childhood, and by high school had already started to make entrance in beauty pageants. After auditioning and appearing some T.V commercials, she finally started to do some actual roles.

Talking about her physical appearance, Karan Ashley is not the most attractive of woman, but her Latino looks and body definitely make her a sexy individual. She is not the tallest of woman, and her height only measures 155 cm, which is around 5 feet and a couple of inches, at most. However, her well maintained figure, and her curvy physique has been known for quite a time now. Although there aren’t any hot pictures or roles that she has been in, but that doesn’t stop her viewers and fans to appreciate what they get to see. With not much information about her dating life, there is also no data regarding her net worth value, in the media.

After her small time appearances in TV, she also worked some time as a model and was featured in the cover of some magazines too. Liewise, she had a brief career as a choreographer as well as a musician. Later, she was casted in one of the hit shows Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as the “Yellow Ranger” and suddenly rose to fame. After 80 episodes in cartoons, she was also casted in the move “Power Rangers the Movie” and was then seen in many other TV shows like: The Opposite Sex, Taylor’s Wall, The Parkers, Kenan & Kel, Jazz Scene, The Encounter and many other shows.

It seems like Ashley has had a low life when it comes to exposing her privacy in the media. Therefore there isn’t much we could pull out on that side. It seems like she has not had that many boyfriends and has stayed married with her husband Kimani Ballard, since the March of 2014. To find out more about her life and career, you can definitely follow her on her Twitter or Instagram accounts. You can also go to sites like IMDb or Wikipedia and read her biography there.